I have a blog?

Like nearly every website blog I’ve seen, where blogging is not their primary business, my blog has fallen into disuse. I assume everyone else is like me. They see they can make a blog on their website and think, “Oh, this will be great. I can post cool ideas and share what I’m up to informally”. They post to it 4 or 5 times and then never touch it again.

Well, No More!

Look, I even have a weekly reminder, so I have no excuses

As a challenge to myself to stay motivated, I’m going to post weekly on here for 1 year. The posts may not be polished and may not be that helpful, but I want to share my creative journey over the next year. This is a way to keep me focused and draw me back to this hobby that I love so much.

What can you expect from this weekly blog?

I’ll share what I’ve been taking photos of. Maybe some early samples of things that I’m editing. Thoughts on software I’m trying out. I may even share some behind-the-scenes details regarding my YouTube endeavors. So I guess you can trust that I’ll share what I’ve creative things I’ve been working on each week.

To start off, over the past month, I’ve been getting familiar with the new new subject detection on the Fuji H2.

Even pointed at a YouTube video, the Subject Detection does a great job locking on to the bird and even the eye most of the time.

Fuji H2 Subject Tracking Categories

The subjects the H2 (and the H2S and the X-T5) can detect are:

  • Mammals

  • Birds

  • Cars

  • Motorcycles/Bikes

  • Planes

  • Trains

  • Human Faces (though that’s annoyingly under a different menu)


I’ve only tried out the Mammal and Bird detection so far, but it has been very accurate. As I shared on an Instagram Post, I’ve been enjoying eye detection so much that I keep shoving my camera in my pets’ faces, just to see the auto-tracking work. It really is a big upgrade compared to the generic tracking of the past.

The amazing subject detection helped me capture this photo of a red-billed woodpecker with my 600mm lens

Well, there. One blog post done. 51 more to go. Let me know what you think. Are you a Fujifilm user? Do you have any stories about trying to make their old autofocus system work? If you use a different manufacturer, what do you like about their subject detection?


New Business. New Channel.


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